Turning Toward the Light

The liminal days between Winter Solstice and the new calendar year have always been a time of introspection for me. Amidst warm fires and candle lighting, meals and gift exchanges with friends and family, the slow return of light is buried deep within the winter darkness. The pendulum has swung as far as it can go before returning, like the lull at the bottom of an exhale before a new breath is born. As the days slowly start to lengthen, this annual pause offers us an opportunity to search deep in the soil of our practice for the seeds of new growth. We might find ourselves asking, “How will I meet the promise of the New Year?” Often we make plans and resolutions that may or may not pan out. As we’ve learned painfully over the past few years of Covid, war, and climate disasters, our next chapter may contain changes we don’t want, so we may feel a mix of hope and apprehension. Given there’s so little we can control, identifying the heart’s true intention is helpful. While sitting in quiet meditation, asking ourselves how we want to feel and engage in an ever-changing world is inevitably fruitful and wholesome. We may discover things we can let go, and other aspects of ourselves or our lives we wish to amplify. The simple (though not always easy!) practice of mindful awareness gives us courage to move consciously through life’s changes, and the freedom to choose how we move, aligned with our deepest values and aspirations.

If you’re interested in further exploring intention practices with me, please check my CLASSES page for upcoming opportunities!

Kate Savage