Stepping Off...

Part of our intention in moving out of the city was to become more nimble and less bogged down, to lighten our load and to lessen our footprint, and to be able to respond easily and quickly to a changing world. Our original plan was to leave the US well ahead of the November election, but that was before Covid hit. We went ahead with our plan to sell the LA house anyway, and now here we are, stuck on this beautiful, wild mountain with only ourselves, and all of our stuff that doesn't quite fit in this 700 square foot space, to contemplate. These, as well as the collective karma of the pandemic and the seemingly endless stream of violence toward black and brown people in this country.

Amidst the move, we lost our cell phone service and had no internet for several days. We lost electricity a couple of times due to intense wind. Tom and I had to drive to town on several consecutive days, searching for cell phone service and free internet to try and restore same said. 

The driving and stress wound us up pretty well, despite our daily meditation practice, and we came home exhausted to nap through the hottest part of each day. Finally, we relinquished our reliance on technology.  With no distractions available, we lay side by side on the living room rug and watched the crisp, slim crescent moon rise over the juniper trees as the light faded and the bats fluttered overhead. This is the worship I’ve engaged in all my life, and I’m so blessed to have a partner who also finds joy in such simplicity.

Today, the constant sound of the wind feels like the earth is breathing, and it gives me permission just to breathe with it all as well. The wind through the trees calls to me, allowing me to connect with the timeless. The curse is the blessing as time slows down, and we are forced to let go of the To Dos that technology usually gifts us. There’s nothing else to do but let it be for now. Evening is coming again, and it’s time to eat something and take our evening walk.

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