What the Storm Taught Me

The house was suddenly bustling with many voices, stacks of snacks on the kitchen table, piles of firewood, and bursting coolers on the back deck. We all threw in together, stoking the fire, and cooking big communal meals out of food we didn’t want to waste. I’d turn around and someone had done all the dishes, and another new friend was making a run to the only open store. By the time Tom got home on Tuesday afternoon, we had become a big, ad hoc family, and he folded himself easily into our new routine.

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Kate Savage
Turning Toward the Light

The pendulum has swung as far as it can go before returning, like the lull at the bottom of an exhale before a new breath is born. As the days slowly start to lengthen, this annual pause offers us an opportunity to search deep in the soil of our practice for the seeds of new growth. We might find ourselves asking, “How will I meet the promise of the New Year?”

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Kate Savage
Stepping Off...

Finally, we relinquished our reliance on technology. With no distractions available, we lay side by side on the living room rug and watched the crisp, slim crescent moon rise over the juniper trees as the light faded and the bats fluttered overhead.

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